Sunday, May 31, 2009

EXP3 News Mashup

Fear and power do not peacefully coexist, and for Obama, it is the time to mentally unpacking the crate of crushing problems — some old, some new, all ugly. It follows, then, that he who wishes to reach the most rarefied and potent ranks. Also, this courage can be used to describe Miuccia Prada, and What sets her apart from the ordinaries, is her disregard—in some cases, her open contempt—for the dictates. They hit the world like a thunderclap, shattered decades of conventional wisdom and overcame centuries of the social pecking order. However, as it says, power may brought you the mystery that Whereas common sense says what, they will still choose whatever people despise, because of the power they have to make it beautiful. Media, as one of the means brought them power of being looked up to, had also made them victims of overexposure, just like Madonna. Although she has an action-packed body, always prominently on display, and doleful, knowing eyes that seem to encourage every male fantasy of lust with no limits, she could still be criticised by journalists saying she may not represent a new direction for the music business. Indeed, the power of all of the clients, may brought glorified honours to them , But the measure of their success in menacing times can be found in the number and variety of people who consider the question with eagerness alongside their dread.





Sunday, May 3, 2009

EXP2 Downloadable Filefront Link

EXP2 Reflection on Lecture 7

In the first place, the very strong force brought by the quality of image editing skills, well illustrated the theme of the project, and a better understanding by readers, can occur with using impressive presentation like the images above. More importantly, as one of images showed, a repetitious pattern of concrete blocks above within the limited interior space, had created a very imaginative effect, people standing underneath, would not feel the space in small, in contrast, it would actaully stimulate people to participate a wider range of architectural experience, as well as a certain sense that architect wanted to express, and that was my inspiration on designing the inner space of Jacques Cousteau's lab. For the other image, the usage of grid system, had been well combined with various elements, which produced a sense of movement with variable qualities. The linear shape of the architecture, was applied, and it had became another inspiration of mine on this experiment as well. 

EXP2 Electroliquid Aggregation

Alfred Nobel: "Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness."
Jacques-Yves Cousteau: "A lot of people attack the sea, I make love to it."

A lot of people see hope as uncovering truth's nakedness, but I make love to hide it underneath the veil instead.

EXP2 Final Submission

EXP2 36 Textures

EXP2 Drafts

EXP2 9 Sets of Combined Prisms

EXP2 18 Axonometrics